ACT Form 85 collects blood pressure and neurology information measured on ACT participants at their study visit. A high-level overview of the content areas is shown below.
Blood Pressure
Cuff size – pediatric, regular, large arm, or thigh
First BP reading systolic/ diastolic
Second BP reading
Standing height – measured or stated
Hip, waist, and head circumference
Neurological Exam
Measured (timed) walk, gait test (10 ft)
Type of gait, gait aid, number of steps, arm swing
Walking on toes, heels, and weakness
Standing test (station, side-by-side, semi-tandem, full-tandem)
Grip Strength
Have you had a recent worsening of pain or arthritis in your wrist, or do you have tendonitis?
Have you had surgery on your hands or arms during the last 3 months?
Grip strength for dominant and non-dominant hands (first, second, third tries)
External shoulder rotation
Chair Stands
Single and repeated chair stands
Important Note: Form contents have changed over the years so all the above items may not be collected over the full duration of the ACT study.
Data Structure
This Form 85 dataset contains one row per visit at which the study form was collected.